Cristina Velina Ion - Selfportrait 

Introduction in author’s world


Life is beauty, life is love, is an intoxicating blend of experiences, perceptions, from the tangible to the more subtle, related to the spiritual, mystical, and reaching the phantasmagoric realm of the unknown.

It’s a magnificent picture, but not stable, because evolution and time put their fingerprints, in one way or another, over every entity, over each moment, over every little place in the universe.

That’s why the art of photography came into my life, to freeze little fragments of the telluric song of life, but not only… It became a way of communication, a fantastic creative tool, a paradisiacal one, that can reach you from the obscure and colorless mist to the endless waves of color vibrations. These vibrations can make you shiver with pleasure, can induce an euphoric state when you really want to feel it, they can become part of your total, they can be your guide into the journey of your existence.

One can’t help but love them and want to relive them and be grateful that they exist in every corner of the wonderful “Mother Gea”, and beyond, in the whole Universe, only to want to see them, to feel them!



Introducere in lumea autorului


Viata este frumusete, viata este iubire, este o imbinare ametitoare de trairi, perceptii, de la cele mai palpabile pana la cele mai subtile, ce tin de domeniul spiritual, mistic, si ajungand pana pe taramul fantazmagoric al necunoscutului.

Este un tablou mirific, dar deloc stabil, pentru ca evolutia si timpul isi pun amprentele, intr-un fel sau altul, peste fiecare entitate, peste fiecare moment, peste fiecare locsor din univers.

De aceea a aparut in viata mea arta fotografica, pentru a ingheta cate un fragment din cantecul teluric al vietii, dar nu numai… A devenit un mijloc de comunicare, o unealta creatoare fantastica, paradiziaca, ce te poate purta din ceata innegurata, lipsita de culoare, pana pe valurile infinite de vibratii coloristice. Aceste vibratii te pot face sa tremuri de placere, te pot induce intr-o stare euforica, atunci cand iti doresti sa le simti cu adevarat, pot deveni parte integranta a totalului tau, iti pot deveni ghid in calatoria existentiala pe care o faci.

Asadar, cum sa nu le iubesti!? De ce sa nu le traiesti!? Cum sa nu le fi recunoscator ca exista in fiecare ungher al minunatei “Mame Geea”, dar si dincolo de Ea, in intreg Universul, doar sa ne dorim sa le vedem, sa le simtim!